When dealing with sexual abuse, we might think it only occurs in person, and involved physical contact. Unfortunately, that’s not the only form of sex abuse. You might have noticed some suspicious behavior online, and now you’re wondering, “Can sex abuse occur over the Internet?”

Sexual abuse isn’t limited to in-person interactions. Many people suffer from sexual harassment at the hands of other Internet users, and when that happens, you deserve to be compensated for that abuse.

Finding the person responsible can be complex. Because cases involving online harassment and abuse are relatively new, it can be difficult to file a claim on your own. Having a sex abuse lawyer in Chicago on your side can provide you with the resources and knowledge to recover the compensation you deserve.

How Does Sexual Abuse Happen Online?

When discussing online harassment, some people might blame the victim, arguing that they can simply turn off the computer and leave the harmful situation. But, sexual abuse—including the kind that occurs online—isn’t that simple.

Sexual abuse happens online when predatory abusers seek out vulnerable targets. For example, a pornographer might reach out via chat forums to other Internet users to coerce them into sexual activity. The abuser might ask for photos or other personal information. That information can later be used to ensure the victim doesn’t report the abuse for fear of retaliation.

Online harassment should be taken seriously even when no physical contact has happened. The effects of sex abuse, whether it involves physical touch, can be devastating. A sex abuse lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Effects of Internet Sex Abuse

Sexual abuse comes in many forms, but they can all cause serious mental and emotional trauma to the victim. For example, you might have received threatening and manipulative messages to expose private, sexual pictures of yourself. Or someone might have released these photos against your will. Maybe you also experienced additional harassment before or after that event.

These incidents could cause feelings of depression, traumatic flashbacks, and nightmares related to your online attack. These are symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, and they can severely affect your quality of life. You might have trouble going to work or doing things you once enjoyed. Even leaving your home can become difficult due to PTSD.

Without including the financial aspects of your abuse, the emotional impact on your life might already be devastating. Your abuser should be held accountable for the damage they caused you or your loved one. But what can you do?

Contact a Lawyer for Help

Online sexual abuse is a growing form of abuse. But, because of this modern method of harassment,  many victims might not be aware that they can receive compensation for their suffering. Fortunately, with a lawyer from Lane Brown, LLC, you don’t have to continue wondering: “Can sex abuse occur over the Internet?”

Internet sex abuse is real, and it’s occurring more frequently every day. Fortunately, you can file a claim against your abuser, beginning with a free consultation with our attorneys.

For help preparing and fighting for your claim, reach out to us by calling 312-332-1400 or by completing the online form below.

Your physician should be one of the most trustworthy people in your life. When they abuse their position of authority by sexually assaulting you, it’s devastating. Fortunately, you can hold them accountable in civil court for what they’ve put you through.

In criminal court, a prosecutor may bring sexual assault charges against your physician. If convicted, they’ll likely be sentenced to jail or prison time, have their license to practice medicine revoked, and be labeled a sex offender. But civil court is different—you’ll be the one bringing a claim against your abuser.

Below, we’ll review how you can bring a sex abuse claim against your doctor in civil court so you can recover compensation for the damages you endured. Read on to learn more about what constitutes sexual assault and the losses that you’ll be able to include in your claim.

What Is Considered Sexual Assault?

At this point, you might not even be sure whether your doctor sexually assaulted you. Sexual assault can take many forms.

Generally speaking, any form of unwanted touching can be considered sexual assault, and while your doctor may need to conduct a physical exam when you visit their office to assess your health, if they cross that line between conducting an exam and assaulting you, they should be brought to justice.

Other forms of sexual assault can include rape, sexual abuse of a minor, and drug-facilitated assault (where your physician sexually abuses you after administering a drug that leaves you unable to consent).

Sexual assault in any of these forms should be taken seriously, and it’s not your fault if your physician took advantage of you in this way. Your attorney will understand how devastating this is and will stop at nothing to get you the justice you deserve.

Obtain Full Compensation for Your Damages

In civil court, you’ll be seeking compensation for the harm your doctor inflicted on you. Your attorney will be reviewing every single way your life has been impacted by your injuries to ensure that each loss is accounted for. Some of the different types of damages that you can include in your case if they pertain to you include the following:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical expenses
  • Mental health counseling
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Attorney fees
  • Lost wages and reduced earning capacity

It’s important that you leave no stone unturned when going over your damages with your lawyer. Even the most minute effect should be taken into consideration when calculating what your sexual assault claim is worth. That way, you aren’t stuck with a mountain of expenses on top of your suffering.

Contact a Chicago Sex Abuse Lawyer

When you’re ready to take back control of your life and make your physician pay for what they’ve done, speak with a qualified Chicago sex abuse lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC. We’ll do what it takes to obtain maximum compensation for your suffering. You can use the online contact form below or give our office a call at 312-332-1400 to schedule your free consultation today.

When we send our kids to class, we expect more than a well-rounded education. We expect teachers and caregivers to protect our children’s safety and wellbeing. Unfortunately, many Chicago schools are not upholding that responsibility.

Hundreds of students have experienced sex abuse in Chicago public schools, causing trauma that can affect the child’s life for years to come. No child should have to endure sexual abuse, especially from someone they trust.

When a teacher abuses your child or allows the abuse to happen, they have failed their duty to your child and should face the consequences. A civil lawsuit can give your family the financial support you need to handle the devastating effects of child sexual abuse.

When Schools Fail to Protect Students

School leaders have a duty to protect students from harm, but the Chicago school system might have failed your child. The perpetrators might already be charged and sentenced for their crimes. But, a sex abuse criminal trial doesn’t provide your family the needed compensation for healing.

Although seeing the abuser behind bars provides peace of mind, a criminal trial doesn’t include compensation for damages caused to the victim. This includes both economic and non-economic damages, such as treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.

If a teacher sexually abused your child, they should be held fully responsible. That means filing an injury claim and fighting for the compensation you and your child need. A sex abuse lawyer in Chicago can help answer your questions and walk you through the claims process.

Signs of Sex Abuse in Children

How do you know if your child has been sexually abused if they haven’t approached you for help? Identifying sexual abuse in children can be difficult. Signs of sexual abuse and emotional trauma might appear differently in children than adults.

Talking with your child can help them open up to you about any improper conduct happening at his or her school. If you’re concerned that your child has been abused, talk to them, and watch for the following signs of sex abuse and PTSD:

  • Fear or worry
  • Reluctance or refusal to attend school
  • Inappropriate sexual actions and behaviors
  • Reenacting the trauma during play
  • Impulsive, aggressive behavior

How to Help Your Child

It’s traumatic, but sex abuse happens in Chicago public schools, and your child could have been victimized by abusers in the school system. Once you discover that your child has been abused, what can you do?

Fortunately, you’ll have a chance to file a claim for your child’s suffering. With the help of a lawyer from Lane Brown, LLC, you and your child could receive the compensation you need for recovery. If you’re considering a sex abuse lawsuit against your school, seek out a free case review with our attorneys. We’ll walk you through the laws and factors that could affect your case before you sign anything.

For help seeking compensation when your child was a victim of sex abuse in Chicago public schools, reach out to our lawyers. Connect with us by calling 312-332-1400 or by filling out the online form below.

On August 23, 2018, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan issued a statement requesting that all who know of abuses by the church in Illinois come forward with information. This was prompted by a Pennsylvania grand jury report that made several references to Illinois.

The report contains allegations and evidence against over 300 “predator priests” in Pennsylvania, and the victims could number in the thousands. Most of the sexual abuse allegations are concerning young boys, although there are some allegations of sexual abuse against girls.

This report details years of abuses by Catholic church officials. Many of these abuses can’t be criminally prosecuted because the statute of limitations has long since passed.

The Grand Jury Report

From the report:

“But we are not satisfied by the charges we can bring, which represents only a percentage of all the child abusers we saw. We are sick over the crimes that will go unpunished and uncompensated. This report is our only recourse.

“We are going to name their names and describe what they did—both the sex offenders and those who concealed them. We are going to shine a light on their conduct, because that is what their victims deserve.

“And we are going to make our recommendations for how the laws should change so that maybe no one will have to conduct another inquiry like this one.”

Elsewhere in the report were references to priests in Illinois, which prompted AG Madigan to make requests for more information from victims and others who might have information regarding sexual abuse in the church in Illinois.

Meetings and Possible Legal Action

In her statement, Madigan said the following: “The Catholic Church has a moral obligation to provide its parishioners and the public a complete and accurate accounting of all sexually inappropriate behavior involving priests in Illinois.”

Madigan noted that her office had reviewed the Pennsylvania grand jury report. The report identified at least seven “priests with connections to Illinois.” She said she plans to meet with the Chicago Archdiocese.

“I plan to reach out to the other dioceses in Illinois to have the same conversation and expect the bishops will agree and cooperate fully,” Madigan said in the statement. “If not, I will work with states’ attorneys and law enforcement throughout Illinois to investigate.”

Contact a Chicago Sexual Abuse Lawyer

The AG’s office has set up a hotline so victims and those who know of abuse can report the abuses perpetrated by the church or members of the clergy.

The hotline number is 1-888-414-7678. The AG’s office will have trained personnel ready to take your calls. Messages left on the voicemail will be returned if contact information is provided. For more information, visit the Illinois Attorney General website.

If you’re a victim of sexual abuse and would like to hold your abuser accountable in civil court, contact the experienced Chicago sexual abuse attorneys at Lane Brown, LLC.

We offer free, confidential case assessments and are available to take your call at this number: 312-332-1400. You can also reach out to us through the secure contact form at the bottom of this page.

Victims of sexual abuse or assault have experienced trauma no one should have to endure. If it has happened to you, try to remember that you aren’t alone. In addition to family and friends who care about your wellbeing, you have a qualified legal team at our firm ready to help you reclaim your life and hold the perpetrator liable for his or her unforgivable actions.

We can file a personal injury claim on your behalf to allow you to obtain compensation for what you’ve been through and start to pick up the pieces of your life. Part of that process involves gathering evidence. For more information on how to gather evidence to prove sexual abuse, see below.

Proving Your Case

More than likely, if you know who sexually abused you, he or she is facing criminal charges in addition to the civil claim you may bring forward. There are many differences between these two types of litigation.

First, it’s important to note that, even if a criminal court does not find the abuser guilty, you will still be able to pursue a claim in civil court, where you could see greater success. In criminal court, the prosecutor needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the crime occurred.

This is not the case in civil court, where we only need to prove that the majority of the evidence suggests that the incident did occur and that the person in question is responsible for your damages.

Supporting Evidence

There are specific types of evidence we can present to support your case. Any medical evidence from your physician that can demonstrate the abuse will be important, and witness statements from those who might have seen something or who you might have told about the abuse will also support your claims.

If we are able to procure an admission of guilt in some way, whether through a confession made to a police official or via a text message, your civil case is likely to be successful.

Other types of supporting evidence that will be helpful include photos, video footage, DNA evidence, or anything that we can recover from the defendant that proves his or her guilt.

You’re Entitled to Compensation

The primary purpose of filing a civil suit against your abuser is to recover compensation for the financial and emotional losses you were forced to endure. It will be important that we consider the full extent of your damages so you can obtain maximum compensation. Some of the most frequently sought damages in sex abuse cases include the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Counseling
  • Lost wages
  • Emotional trauma

At Lane Brown, LLC, we understand that the aftermath of sexual abuse or assault can be extremely difficult to handle. Our firm will stop at nothing to secure the compensation you need so you can focus your energy on recovering and moving forward with your life.

Meet with a Chicago Sexual Abuse Lawyer

If you are considering filing a personal injury claim against the person or people responsible for the sexual abuse you suffered, reach out to a caring Chicago sexual abuse lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC today. You can schedule a no-obligation claim assessment by filling out the form below or by giving our office a call at 312-332-1400.

Sexual abuse is one of the most traumatic incidents a person can be forced to endure. It is not uncommon for survivors of sexual assault to suffer from low self-worth, feelings of guilt, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an attack. It’s not an easy thing to overcome on your own.

If you have a loved one who has been the victim of sexual assault and you want to help him or her through this difficult time, continue reading to learn more about ways to help a sexual assault victim recover.

Handling Powerful Emotions

People who have experienced sexual assault often feel helpless and alone in the aftermath of the attack. Hopefully, your loved one has come to you about his or her trauma to reach out for help.

One way you can be of assistance is by being supportive and remaining calm during the description of the assault. A useful tool could be a rape crisis hotline or support group led by a therapist who has experience helping survivors work through their complex feelings.

It can also be helpful to keep reminding the victim that the attack was in no way his or her fault. Survivors often feel guilty after an assault, as if they did something that caused them to be attacked. A rapist or abuser is always the one to blame.

What the victim was wearing, his or her level of intoxication, or his or her trust in the assaulter is irrelevant. The only person who could have prevented the attack was the attacker.

Begin the Process of Reclaiming Life

Withdrawing from activities they once enjoyed is very common for victims after a sexual assault. Encouraging them to continue participating in those activities, volunteering, and attempting to find things they can enjoy are all excellent steps toward helping them recover.

Enrollment in a therapeutic program that can allow the victim to be completely open and honest about what he or she feels without having to worry about how he or she will be thought of is extremely beneficial to many survivors of sexual assault.

Additionally, seeking assistance from the authorities in holding the assailant responsible for his or her actions can be empowering for victims. If police are able to determine who the attacker is and build a case, he or she could face jail or prison time and be required to register as a sex offender.

We may also be able to seek compensation for the damages the survivor has endured in a civil claim against the perpetrator. The most important thing to remember is that victims of sexual assault often feel isolated following an attack. Being surrounded by love and support from people they trust can make all the difference.

Reach Out to a Chicago Sexual Assault Lawyer

If you are interested in helping a sexual assault survivor through this difficult time and aren’t sure where to turn, contact a Chicago sexual assault lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC today.

We can help you build a civil case against the abuser, even if criminal charges haven’t been filed. Schedule a no-obligation consultation by filling out the form below or giving us a call at 312-332-1400.

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