Confusion and Difficult Injury Claims Often Follow Serious Multi-Car Wrecks

Multiple-car wrecks and highway pileups only take a few terrifying moments to cause serious injuries and death, but the victims of these wrecks could be left waiting for fair compensation for months or years after an accident. With more parties involved in an accident, it simply takes more time to determine what happened, who was responsible, and how victims can get compensation for their injuries. And, before victims have these basic answers about the cause of an accident, it’s hard to know what to do or where to turn in the meantime.

Why Multiple-Car Accidents Create So Many Legal Difficulties for Seriously Injured Victims

While looking at the cause of an accident can help victims and their attorneys determine responsibility after a wreck, the causes of accidents that involve multiple vehicles, people, and insurance companies aren’t always immediately clear because there are:

  • Many victims. In cases where a large number of people are hurt because of the reckless behavior or one or two drivers, the insurance companies responsible for compensating injuries will be very vigilant about limiting claims and avoiding blame.
  • Many differing reports. It’s hard to get a clear idea of what happened when multiple drivers and passengers are involved in a large, serious wreck. Each person will have his own opinion and account of the accident, making these kinds of injury claims very dependent on solid evidence.
  • Multiple responsible parties. When dozens of vehicles are involved in a major pileup or chain-reaction wreck, there may be more than one person responsible for what happened. Victims who were hurt may have a lot of trouble understanding who can be held responsible out of the dozens of potentially liable drivers.
  • Months involved in the investigation of a large accident. Even after the accident scene is cleaned up and victims have started to recover, answers can remain unclear. The accident will be thoroughly investigated, analyzed, and documented by law enforcement officials, attorneys, and insurance adjusters—and this process can stretch on for weeks or months after a multiple-vehicle accident.


If you have been involved in a multiple-car accident, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced Chicago legal team for answers. Our personal injury attorneys have extensive experience helping families with large and difficult injury claims, and we will take the time to answer your questions with the care and attention you deserve. Call today at 312-332-1400 for help, or use the Live Chat button on this page to connect with us immediately.

Pedestrians Are Still at Risk for Car Accidents as the Weather Turns Cold

In Chicago, we often talk about spring and summer as dangerous times for car-pedestrian accidents because the pleasant weather draws so many people outside, but those risks don’t go away when the weather starts to turn cold. As sleet and snow move in and holiday celebrations get under way, those who choose to walk need to be alert to possible dangers from the vehicles that surround them.

Why Winter Is Still Risky for Pedestrians on Chicago’s Sidewalks and Roadways

Although summer may bring pedestrians out for a casual stroll or a healthier way to work in the morning, winter presents danger of its own. During the period from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, heavy holiday travel and bad weather can mean that both drivers and pedestrians are risk for accidents due to:

  • More drunk drivers on the road. Some drivers who wouldn’t normally drive under the influence use holiday parties and vacation time at work to make an exception—and vulnerable pedestrians can pay the price for drivers’ reckless decisions.
  • Slippery or difficult conditions. Slippery roads can make it hard for drivers to stop in time for pedestrians in a crosswalk or at an intersection, and slippery or snow-packed roads and sidewalks can make it hard for pedestrians to navigate through traffic.
  • Limited visibility. The gray and hazy days of winter in Chicago limits visibility for drivers and people on foot, meaning that everyone should be extra alert and prepared to allow for the extra time needed to arrive safely.
  • Busy shopping centers. As people rush to complete holiday shopping or simply fight the crowds to pick up a few necessities, parking lots and intersections near major shopping centers can become extremely busy—and extremely dangerous.
  • Distractions on the road. Distracted driving can be a problem any time of year, and even something as innocent as enjoying the lights and holidays displays or taking a call from a long-distance loved one while you’re behind the wheel can take your eyes and mind off the road long enough to cause an accident.


If you or a family member is hurt in an accident as a pedestrian, you could face a challenge in holding the driver’s insurance company responsible for the injuries. Be prepared to protect your rights and get help with our free guide, The 8 Steps to Follow After Your Illinois Car Accident, which explains more about what you need to know—and what you need to do—to successfully pursue a claim for accident injuries. For more information, simply contact our Chicago legal team by phone at 312-332-1400, or use the Live Chat on this page to tell us more about your concerns now.

Right now, you are in pain. Your back hurts, you may feel numbness or tingling in your arms or legs, it may be hard to stand or walk, or you may lose control of your bladder or bowel. Any of these herniated-disc symptoms can interfere with your daily life. They can keep you from working, from caring for your family, or from doing the activities that you enjoy.

But You Can Get Better

Medical treatment is unique for each patient and should be decided upon by your doctor. In general, treatment options for a herniated disc may include one or all of the following:

  • Pain medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Rest
  • Surgery


It is important to follow the treatment plan suggested by your doctor to avoid further pain and complications.

That Is Only Part of Your Recovery

While your doctor addresses your physical recovery, you may also be concerned with your financial recovery. You may be worried about your medical bills and about the bills that you aren’t able to pay while you are out of work. It can be difficult to recover from these potential financial setbacks on your own.

However, if your car accident and resulting herniated disc injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be able to obtain compensation for your medical costs, lost work, and more. Please take some time to read our FREE book, The 8 Steps to Follow After Your Illinois Car Accident, or start a live chat with us today to find out more about your rights and about how a lawyer can help you get the financial compensation that you deserve.

The impact was stunning. Whether you were stopped at a red light, trying to merge into traffic, or already traveling at the speed limit, the moment when the car behind you struck the back of your car changed everything. While it can be difficult to think clearly, it is important to take specific steps to protect your medical and legal recoveries.

Take it One Step at a Time

Immediately after a rear-end collision, it is important to:

  • Call 911. This will dispatch police and an ambulance to the scene of the crash. It is important to report your accident so that the police can take steps to prevent additional accidents, while thoroughly investigating your crash. An ambulance may also be important for you, or anyone else, who has suffered injuries.
  • Take pictures, if you are able to do so safely. This may be important evidence for your case. However, you should take pictures only if your medical situation allows it.
  • Accept medical help. Allow the emergency medical technicians to examine you and take you to the hospital for a complete examination. The sooner that you get care, the sooner you may be able to control your pain and prevent your injuries from worsening.


Once these things have occurred, you can move on to the other things that you need to do to protect your physical and financial recoveries.

Afraid You Won’t Remember What to Do After a Crash?

The things we describe above may seem simple enough now, but an accident scene can be a confusing and overwhelming place. Please take a few minutes to download our FREE auto accident app to your cellphone so that you will be prepared in the event of a crash. And if you have already been injured in a crash caused by a negligent driver, contact us using our online contact form to schedule a complimentary consultation.

In 2007, the United States Congress designated the third week of October as National Teen Driver Safety Week. As we approach the event this year, what will you do to keep your own child and others safe?

Here Are Some Ideas

The actions that you take for National Teen Driver Safety Week should be designed to keep your child and others safe—long after the week has ended. To that end, you may consider:

  • Creating your own driving contract with your child. Take the time to sit down and develop expectations, rules, and consequences so that your teen knows exactly what is expected of him and why.
  • Raising awareness. Use Facebook, Twitter, or other social media accounts to share statistics about teen driving accidents and information about what can be done to prevent serious teen crashes.
  • Advocating for change. Talk to your elected representatives about teen driving safety laws and how they can be strengthened to protect teens and other drivers.


If you reach just one teen driver, you have made an important difference.

Even the Safest Teen Drivers Are at Risk

Teen accidents are not always caused by teen drivers, and it is important that your child knows what to do after a collision. Accordingly, we encourage you to have him download our FREE accident app to his smartphone and to walk through the steps provided in that app should he ever be involved in an accident.

Will you be taking action for National Teen Driver Safety Week? What will you do? Please leave a comment in the space below to share your thoughts with others who may be looking for ways to become involved.

The insurance adjuster calls and he seems nice enough. He seems interested in how your injuries are affecting your life and eager for you to make a full and fast recovery. Unfortunately, you can’t trust him. The insurance adjuster assigned to your case is not looking out for your best interests. Instead, he is looking out for the best interests of his employer, the insurance company, and it is in the insurance company’s best interests to get you to settle for as little as possible.

Refrain From Saying These Things

Regardless of how friendly the insurance adjuster is, it is important that you don’t say:

  • “Oh, I’m fine.” This makes it sound like your injuries are not serious. There is no benefit to being tough or minimizing your injuries.
  • “I think I can return to work on Monday.” Don’t guess. You can return to work when you have medical clearance to do so.
  • Sure, that number sounds fine. I agree to that settlement.” Once you agree, you may be unable to recover additional damages for your injuries.


There are many other similar things that you can say that can potentially hurt your case.

But There Is One Thing That Won’t

There is one simple thing that you can say that will not jeopardize your recovery: “Please call my attorney.”

Have you been hurt on a local road such as State Street, or a major interstate such as I-94 in Chicago? How did you handle the insurance company? Is there anything that you wish you hadn’t said? Please leave a comment and share your thoughts with someone who might just be starting the recovery process after a serious car accident.


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