New litigation is emerging as a result of one of the nation’s most widely used drugs and number one cause of acute liver failure in the US: Tylenol. Evidence suggests that severe personal injuries involving acute liver failure, and in some cases death, can result from Tylenol ingestion. Tylenol, the common pain and fever reducing drug, is the brand name of the drug, acetaminophen. You can find acetaminophen in a wide range of products, both over-the-counter and prescription medications. Acetaminophen is one of the most commonly used drugs in the United States.

The Food and Drug Administration advises users not to take more than 4,000 milligrams of acetaminophen per day. Officials caution that drug users mistakenly consume more than the recommended limit because they take two different medications containing acetaminophen without realizing it. This sometimes occurs because drug companies will use the abbreviation APAP for acetaminophen.

The following is a list of common drugs which contain acetaminophen. Be careful when taking more than one of these medications at a time, and always look at the drug information on the label.

•Acephen® Rectal Suppository
•Capital and Codeine®
•Feverall® Rectal Suppository
•Fioricet with codeine®
•Formula 44®
•Goody’s® Powders
•Hydrocodone Bitartrate®
•Mapap® Rectal Suppository
•Meda Cap®
•Neopap® Supprettes Rectal Suppository
•Norco ®
•Phrenilin with Caffeine and Codeine®
•Saint Joseph® Aspirin-Free
•S-T Febrol®
•Tylenol with Codeine No. 3®
•Tylenol with Codeine No. 4®
•Uniserts® Rectal Suppository®

If you or a loved one has suffered liver damage, liver failure, or other acute liver injury within a short time of using Tylenol or other medications containing acetominophen, you may be able to take action. Please contact the attorneys of Lane Brown, LLC, or call us at 312-332-1400 to speak with us about your options. We can help. To learn more about Lane Brown, LLC, please visit our website at

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