Don’t Let Driver Fatigue Wreck Your Holiday

December 19, 2014

Fatigue From Holiday Celebrations Can Create Dangers on the Road

With all of the preparations and celebrations that go into the holiday season, a lot of people may be greeting Christmas morning with a little fatigue—but don’t let that interfere with safe driving today as you visit family, friends, and loved ones. Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as driving distracted or under the influence, and it’s important not to underestimate how much of an effect a little bit of sleepiness could have on the way you drive and react on the road.

Tips for Staying Alert on the Road and Beating Holiday Grogginess

Whether you were up late last night spending time with loved ones or putting together gifts for under the tree, chances are that you might be yawning in between the festivities. If you’re loading up the car to make the holiday rounds, here are some tips for battling drowsiness and avoiding accidents:

  • Get a good night of sleep beforehand or take a quick nap
  • Take regular breaks if you’re in for a long drive
  • Pack a caffeinated beverage or take advantage of free coffee at rest stops
  • Allow enough time to get there and back safely with appropriate stops


No matter how awake and alert you are behind the wheel, you can’t always avoid being involved in an accident. Get prepared for the worst by downloading our FREE Auto Accident App, which gives you instant access to emergency services and step-by-step guidance in the event of an accident. Do you have other tips for staying alert behind the wheel or dealing with the aftermath of an accident? Leave a comment below to share with our Chicago team and our readers!

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