A Chicago Birth Injury Lawyer Says Pregnancy and Rx Drugs Do Not Mix

March 19, 2013

Diabetes, heart conditions, cancer, seizure disorders, and bipolar disorders are all common conditions that affect hundreds and thousands of women across the United States. For many, taking prescription medication is a daily occurrence—necessary for normal function.

Some of the medication prescribed for these pre-existing medical conditions is extremely dangerous for the development of an unborn child—even though it is medically necessary for the health of the mother. Pregnant women, who are taking prescription medicine, must work with their doctor to come up with the best possible solution to support their own health and prevent injury to the unborn child.

Your doctor has a responsibility to keep you and your unborn child as safe as possible and offer a reasonable standard of care. Following are some drugs that may cause birth defects:

  • High dosages of Vitamin A
  • Certain antibiotics
  • Cancer fighting medications
  • Isotretinoin (acne medication)
  • ACE inhibitors (blood pressure medication)
  • Warfarin (blood thinning medication)
  • Anticonvulsants (anti-seizure medication)

Studies show that taking prescription drugs during pregnancy could cause fetal death. This is especially true for anticonvulsant drugs. Unborn babies exposed to these drugs are at a high risk of experiencing severe and irreversible birth defects or fetal death.

If you are currently taking these medications, talk to your physician right away if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. If your doctor prescribed the medications listed above while you were pregnant, and your baby suffered irreversible damage, talk to a veteran Chicago birth injury attorney at Lane Brown, LLC right away. Call our office at 312-332-1400 today for your free consultation.

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