Cicero Sexual Abuse Lawyer

Have you been the victim of sexual abuse or assault? You are entitled to compensation for the damages you’ve endured at the hands of your abuser. A qualified Cicero sexual abuse attorney can help you get the most out of your claim.

Gathering evidence to support your sexual abuse claim is essential to the success of your pursuit of compensation in civil court. Your attorney will work tirelessly to help you move past this trying time in your life. We will gather supporting evidence, including witness statements and medical records, so that when we go to court, we are prepared to obtain a favorable outcome.

We will be sure to hold accountable anyone who might have contributed to the sexual abuse you were made to suffer. An experienced Cicero sexual abuse lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC will fight for your right to compensation so you can rest easy with the knowledge that the perpetrator has been brought to justice.

Defining Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse occurs when a person coerces or forces unwanted sexual contact. This could include any kind of physical contact, such as touching, kissing, grabbing, or sexual intercourse. Some of the most common types of sexual abuse include the following:

  • Unwanted physical contact
  • Groping
  • Forced prostitution
  • Child sexual abuse
  • Rape

Your compassionate sexual abuse attorney in Cicero can gather the necessary evidence to prove that you were sexually assaulted. This will allow you to hold your abuser liable for his or her actions in civil court, which is separate from any criminal proceedings that may be tied to the abuse.

What You Can Expect from Your Claim

Calculating the value of your claim creates its own form of evidence against the perpetrator of the abuse or those who could have put a stop to it. Documenting the extent of your damages and expenses demonstrates the severity of the incident in question.

Substantial evidence can only help you in civil proceedings, where our goal is to recover compensation for the damages you suffered due to the actions of your abuser. Depending on the extent of the abuse, you might have also been the victim of a physical injury, which could rack up significant medical expenses in addition to the costs of mental health counseling to combat depression, anxiety, and fear.

Your Cicero sex abuse lawyer can help you recover these and other losses in your personal injury claim. A few of the other types of damages you can potentially recover include the following:

  • Costs of relocating
  • Lost wages
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Travel costs for doctor visits
  • Attorney fees

Facing the perpetrator of your sexual abuse or assault can be a daunting experience. We may be able to avoid this if we are able to settle your case without bringing it to court. No matter what, your attorney will remain by your side as you seek fair compensation for what you’ve been through.

Contact a Cicero Sexual Abuse Attorney

For more information about the claim process or to speak with a caring and qualified Cicero sexual abuse lawyer at Lane Brown, LLC about your desire to hold the abusive individual liable for his or her inexcusable actions, simply fill out the contact form below or give us a call at 312-332-1400.

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